Health and lifestyle together is an issue in our society. Today’s our life is fast-paced life and the stress of the city tell on the overall health. A healthy lifestyle has become a serious problem among people from all fields.

We have to be able to understand the health and lifestyle issue to create successful articles. Health is a wealth, and everyone keeps it out for tips on how to look mentally and physically fit. The health marketing industry is booming, and you can take advantage of it by distributing marketing content to medical improvement.

The article should impress confidence and tell your readers. That why the writer has to mandatorily be well researched with precise facts and statistics.

Lifestyle Factors

As many emerging economies all over the the world adopt Westernized foods and lifestyles, diseases are rising at a worldwide.

Lifestyle factors such as use of alcohol and tobacco diet and physical activity are related with myriad chronic health conditions such as obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Some Biologist have found, such as, that unhealthy weight gain, physical activity and poor diets are related with an proceeded incidence of 13 cancers, and an proceeded mortality of 14 cancers in metabolic diseases.

By altering hormones, lifestyle factors also can disrupt energy metabolism, cellular growth, , inflammatory mediation, immune function and DNA repair . Malnutrition increases morbidity and mortality from infectious Hormonal diseases, and can increase the several of an hormonal and hinder the response to treatment.

In order to these conditions, Public Health researchers are using useful interdisciplinary and epidemiologic methods to solve the health problems of nutrition, exercise, genetics, , access to health services and also the solve other climatic factors.

Impact of Lifestyle on Health

Lifestyle is a only way that used by people, groups and nations and , political, cultural geographical, economic and religious text. It is referred to the characteristics of inhabitants of a region in a specific place and time. Lifestyle includes day by day behaviors and functions of individuals in job, activities, fun and diet.

Currently, many changes have occurred in life of all individuals. Malnutrition, unhealthy diet, smoking, drug abuse, stress and so on, are the causes of unhealthy life style that they are commonly used in our society. On the other hand, the life of individual bear with new challenges. New technologies within IT for example the internet and virtual communication networks, lead our world to a many challenge that threatens the physical and mental health of many citizen.

Variables of lifestyle that influence on Health can be categorized:

Diet and Body Mass Index (BMI):

Diet is the major factor in lifestyle and has a direct and positive relation with health. Poor diet and its consequences like cancer is the common health problem in urban societies. Unhealthy lifestyle can be measured by BMI. Urban lifestyle have to the nutrition problems like using diet in fast foods and poor foods, increasing problems like cardiovascular.


Treating health problems, the exercise is included in life style . The regular exercise along with a healthy diet increases the health. The studies stress on the relation of healthy life style with happiness 


Sleep is one of the health problem. Sleep cannot be apart from life. Poor sleep have several social, psychological, economical and healthy consequences. Lifestyle may effected by sleep and sleep has a clear influence on mental and physical health lifestyle .


Recreation pass time is a sub factor of life style. Neglecting recreation can bring negative consequences like anxiety. With dis management planning and unhealthy recreation, people endanger their health.


Study is the exercise of soul. Study as a factor in our lifestyle may lead to many physical and mental health. Such as, prevalence of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease is lowering educating the people.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only makes a person confident and productive but also lead to him to success. A person with a healthy lifestyle will enjoy both personal and social life.

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