
Your child is preparing for a school exam, or revising for a class test and helping them to develop effective study skills that are benefit them now its time and in the future.

Sometimes it is not what your child studies but how they study for your good results. we have the most important study skills for primary school children to obtain good marks.


Getting Organized:

One of the important study skill that your children can learn at primary level is how to organized their work for proper study. At primary school, most of your students work is allocated by their teacher and they don’t often get the chance to manage their own work in the class. When they comes to studying at home your child needs to be able to organize their study.

For example, As a parent, you can help your child to develop study skills by encouraging them to document their tasks.

You should make sure that they have all the good resources they need to require study outside the classroom. For example, creating a quiet time at home that you have all the books and stationery that they will need to create your starting point.

Time Management:

Primary school Childs are used to being told what to study and when, so it’s no surprise that they often found it difficult to manage their study time when they studying or revising on their own. You can help your child improve their study time management skills.

For example, if they are studying you might suggest that the first night, they manage half an hour for Math and half an hour for English, and also by half an hour of verbal and half an hour of non-verbal reasoning the following night.

Using proper practice papers you can also help develop your kids time management skills, especially if they take them under timed conditions. Encouraging your child to practice papers according to exam conditions, they will be able to recognize what types of questions take longer.

Note-Taking Skills:

Note-taking is an most important skill that your kids will use throughout their academic career. You can help your kids develop these skills by encouraging them to recognize important information topics and pick out important keywords and phrases.

Encourage your children to be an active listener and to decide what benefit information is the most important. The one mistake that students make when they are note-taking is writing down every single word. Encouraging them to abbreviate and use symbols, they will be able to take down notes much faster and they will be able to understand.

It is also a good idea to encourage your child to focus on the their handwriting. Because note-taking can be time-sensitive, students have a capacity to scribble down their notes without paying much attention to legibility.

Research Skills:

Now and then, your kids will come across a topic or concept that they don’t quite grasp. And if they’re studying at home, they won’t have able to ask their teacher for help. This is they having good research skills that comes in useful.

Encourage your kids to use the good resources they have to hand. This may include you, as a parent, internet, books, textbooks, and friends. Like you should encourage your child to use more than one source of interesting information.

Revision and Studying Skills:

We have a whole section of our blog dedicated and helping your child to develop their revision and study skills but we thought that we are providing an overview of the most effective ways to improve these study skills:

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